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トップ > News Release >What is the difference between drum shoe brakes and disc brakes?

What is the difference between drum shoe brakes and disc brakes?


Drum brake

Drum brake is operated by pressing brake shoe to drum which is turning with shaft. Braking power is not stable as heat radiation is not good in comparison with disc brake. Drum brake was installed in cranes in the past. However they are going to be replaced by disc brakes. Particularly replacement to disc brake of cranes in overseas port is progressing as maintenance is easy in addition to the good performance.

Disc brake

Disc brake operates by cramping metal disc turning with shaft. Heat radiation is good as the surface of disc contacts the air to cool down except for the part contacting bake lining. Also performance is stable as generation of alloy powder is small. You can leave out the trial operation to adjust contacting space as brake lining contacts the disc with parallel. Replacement of brake lining is quite easy and reliability will increase by adopting automatic lining wear adjuster etc.

